Thank you for your interest in becoming a client of Mardian Natural Medicine.
At this time Dr Julie Mardian is booking approximately 6 weeks ahead for new clients, but it is possible to get a earlier appointment by joining our waiting list. Dr Julie is currently taking NEW clients on: Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, with the first appointments starting at 9:00 am and the latest at 2:30 pm. Due to the length of a first appointment with the testing (up to 90 min) we cannot schedule later than 2:30 pm.
The process to become a client is…
You will receive a PRELIMINARY appointment via email to fill out the intake form. Once filled out you become a priority client and will be assigned to the waiting list. If the forms are not filled out in the designated time the appointment will be cancelled and assigned to the next client.
The fees for our services can be viewed at:
S.A.T. testing information can be viewed at:
Exactly two weeks prior to your final appointment you will receive another email asking you to confirm your attendance. If the appointment is not confirmed within the specified time you will receive a cancellation notice and the appointment will be assigned to the next client on the waiting list.
If you are unable to attend your appointment please email three of our business days Mon-Thurs ahead. If we do not get the required amount of notice it takes an appointment away from another client so unfortunately you will not be able to re-book.
NOTE: We rely on email and cannot re-book clients that do not respond to email reminders. All communications with Dr. Julie between appointments is done via email and if you are not able to use email then unfortunately we have to ask you to seek a practitioner that uses a more traditional form of communication.
Please email us using the link (button) below with and we will book a preliminary appointment for you. Remember you cannot be added to the waiting list until you fill out the intake form, it will be attached to your appointment confirmation which you will receive shortly after initiating the appointment with the button below.
Book Appointment |
Include the following:
Full Name & Best Contact Number
Specify desired Day & Time
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday
9:00 am, 10:30 am, 1:00 pm, 2:30 pm
Waiting List for New Patients
Don't despair we will get you in ASAP!
A successful Naturopathic Doctor often has a waiting list for NEW clients. Dr Julie Mardian traditionally has a waiting period for New Patients. It is the mark of a good doctor when clients are happy and return for check-ups.However, due to this waiting list a number of clients drop off when we do our reminder emails. Circumstances change and a cancellation is a great opportunity to fit in a new client. So when you book your appointment fill out your intake forms right away. Clients with the intake form fully filled out will receive priority status and will be automatically added to the waiting list. So click the blue box in your confirmation email to fill out your new patient intake form and the rest is automatic.
Frank Mardian
Clinic Manager