Unda Numbers

Unda 1 - Liver-Kidney-Gallbladder Detox
Unda 2 - Kidney Afflictions
Unda 3 - Colitis, Liver & Intestinal Disorders
Unda 4 - Stomach Conditions
Unda 5 - Lung Disorders
Unda 6 - Constipation, Colon
Unda 7 - Urinary Tract & Cystitis
Unda 8 - Cardiovascular, Heart Meridian
Unda 9 - Nervous System
Unda 10 - Female Reproductive System
Unda 11 - Arthritic & Rheumatic Conditions
Unda 12 - Skin Disorders
Unda 13 - Hepato-digestive Overload
Unda 14 - Chronic Lung Disorders
Unda 15 - All Febrile & Infectious Conditions
Unda 16 - Degenerative Glandular Disorders
Unda 17 - Parasites & Skin Disorders
Unda 18 - Spleen & Cellular Degeneration
Unda 19 - Degenerative Lung Disorders
Unda 20 - Degenerative Hepato-digestive Disorders
Unda 21 - Degenerative Hormonal & Glandular Disorders
Unda 22 - Nervousness & Hyperactivity
Unda 23 - Lithiasis, Urinary Disorders
Unda 24 - Neurovegetative Disorders
Unda 25 - Cardiovascular Congestive Disorders of Central Polarity 
Unda 26 - Ulcerations of Throat & Mouth
Unda 27 - Upper Respiratory Tract Disorders
Unda 28 - Articular Rheumatism
Unda 29 - Peri-articular Rheumatism
Unda 30 - Insomnia, Overexertion
Unda 31 - Digestive Ulcers, Gastritis
Unda 32 - Spasmodic Bronchial Disorders & Cough
Unda 33 - Arterial Disorders
Unda 34 - Pancreatic Disorders
Unda 35 - Asthmatic Disorders
Unda 36 - Hemorrhoids
Unda 37 - Inflammatory & Suppurative Conditions
Unda 38 - Prostate & Bladder Disorders
Unda 39 - Intestinal Parasitosis
Unda 40 - Toxic Overload with Alopecia
Unda 41 - Muscular Paralysis
Unda 42 - Neuralgia, Sciatica
Unda 43 - Upper Digestive Tract Disorders
Unda 44 - Urinary Infections, Febrile Afflictions
Unda 45 - Kidney Lithiasis & Inflammation
Unda 46 - Digestive Spasms, Gastritis
Unda 47 - Cerebral Spasms & Vertigo
Unda 48 - Cellular Degeneration, Female Sterility
Unda 49 - Cutaneous Tumors, Warts
Unda 50 - Colitis, Intestinal disorders
Unda 74 - Hemorrhoids, Portal Congestion
Unda 76 - Impotency due to Nervous Exhaustion
Unda 202 - Neurogenous Sclerosis
Unda 203 - Blood Pressure Disorders
Unda 210 - Anxiety, Hyperexcitability 
Unda 212 - Nervous Stimulant after Exhaustion
Unda 219 - Spasms, Muscular Contractions
Unda 220 - Asthma due to Nervous Disorders
Unda 226 - Gallbladder-Kidney Insufficiency
Unda 228 - Nervous Disorders due to Stress
Unda 233 - Venous Circulatory Insufficiency
Unda 240 - Decalcification, Bladder & Kidney
Unda 243 - Hepatic Conditions
Unda 245 - Uterus & Ovary Conditions
Unda 248 - Cardiovascular Insufficiencies
Unda 258 - Lithiasis, Hepatic Disorders
Unda 270 - General Cutaneous Conditions
Unda 273 - Thyroid & Throat Dysfunctions
Unda 295 - Upper Digestive Tract Insufficiency
Unda 312 - All Throat Conditions
Unda 600 - Muscle Stiffness, Tendons & Ligaments
Unda 700 - Ulcerations
Unda 710 - Shingles, Sinusitis, Closed Cavity Infections
Unda 1000 - Thyroid & Parathyroid Degeneration
Unda 1001 - Nervous Exhaustion & Insomnia
Unda 1002 - Acute Rheumatic & Hip Pain 

Unda Numbered Compounds can be purchased at:

Shortlink: mnm.ca/unda